(214) 997-4921 metsy@metsy.com

Ready to Create Your Culture?

I’m excited to bring you a new business podcast to help entrepreneurs and small biz owners like yourself create a culture that attracts and keeps the team of your dreams!

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For links to resources and any crazy TV show or movie I happen to weave into an episode, check out the show notes below.

Thank you so much! Enjoy the show!

Create YOUR Culture

Living the Dream of a Sixteen-Year-Old

Living the Dream of a Sixteen-Year-Old

When I was 16, I imagined turning 30 in a glamorous corner office in downtown Dallas as the CEO of my own company. I would hop on a Concorde bound for Paris at a moment’s notice with Jake Ryan by my side. Oh, the freedom I would have. Someday. In the meantime, I did...

CYC 003: How Your Superpower Could Kill Your Business

CYC 003: How Your Superpower Could Kill Your Business

Time and time again, big Hollywood studios produce movies with epic tales of men and women saving the day with their innate strengths. Strengths are important. They give you an advantage in life – in business. Your strengths become the foundation for your personal...

For nerd eyes only

Check out the Nerds with People Skills blog for techies, nerds and geeks